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Uterine Fibroid Awareness Day

Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous tumours on uterus walls that can be as small as a pea or as a large as a grapefruit. About 30 to 50% of those with uterus’ are carriers and they typically appear in those between 30-50 years old. Risk factors include hormone imbalance, early menstruation, stress, and hereditary factors. Latinx and Black individuals are two to three times more likely than White individuals to suffer from fibroids. It is important to watch for symptoms such as:

  • heavy bleeding during or outside menstruation

  • anemia

  • digestive discomfort

  • frequent urination

  • intense pelvic or back pain

  • swelling of the lower abdomen

Though uterine fibroids are often not dangerous, these symptoms can be highly uncomfortable and can cause infertility on rare occasions. Large uterine fibroids may need to be treated with medication or surgically removed. Smaller uterine fibroids may not need to be treated at all, especially if they do not cause any adverse symptoms. A doctor can check for the presence of uterine fibroids via pelvic exam or ultrasound.


How to Help (Tools/Resources)

  • Educating yourself and those around you about the warning signs of uterine fibroids can help to take symptoms seriously and encourage treatment seeking! 

July 7

Pride Festival

July 24

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